Contact - Codes and Interpretations

Name Title Description Phone Number E-mail Address
David Rittlinger, PE Division Chief of Codes and Interpretations Manages Engineering and Codes Division at the OSFM. Secretary to the North Carolina Building Code Council. Responsible for production and distribution of the North Carolina State Building Codes. Issues appeal response letters. 919-647-0008
David Rittlinger, PE Code Interpretations Supervisor and Chief Code Consultant (Interim) Manages Building Code Interpretations Section. Issues formal interpretations response letters. 919-647-0008
Dan Dittman, PE Supervisor, Code Interpretations Section Manages Systems Code Interpretations Section 919-647-0012
Pak Yip, PE Chief Building Code Consultant Responsible for interpretations relative to the NC Building Code and the consistent enforcement within the state 919-647-0007
Dan Dittman, PE Chief Residential Code Consultant (Interim) Responsible for interpretations relative to the NC Residential Code and the consistent enforcement within the state 919-647-0012
Pam Schooler, PE Chief Existing Building Code Consultant Responsible for interpretations relative to the NC Existing Building Code and the consistent enforcement within the state 919-647-0011
Charlie Johnson Chief Fire Code Consultant Responsible for interpretations relative to the NC Fire Code and the consistent enforcement within the state 919-647-0094
Dan Dittman, PE Chief Energy Code Consultant Responsible for interpretations relative to the Energy Conservation Code and the consistent enforcement within the state 919-647-0012
Kate Whalen Chief Mechanical Code and Fuel Gas Code Consultant Responsible for interpretations relative to the NC Mechanical Code and NC Fuel Gas Code and the consistent enforcement within the state 919-647-0033
Maggie Bowers Chief Plumbing Code Consultant Responsible for interpretations relative to the NC Plumbing Code and the consistent enforcement within the state 919-647-0062
State Electrical Division Electrical Code Interprets the State Electrical Code for North Carolina, approves suitable qualified testing laboratories and national standards, Certifies School Maintenance Electricians, investigates fires throughout the State for electrical causes
Vacant NCDOI Building Inspector Responsible for Residential Code Vacant Vacant
Tara Barthelmess Chief Accessibility Code Consultant Responsible for Accessibility Code interpretations relative to the NC Building Code and the NC Existing Building Code for consistent enforcement within the state. 919-647-0014
Ronae Bennett Administrative Assistant/Code Book Sales Code Book Sales 919-647-0038
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