State Emergency Response Team (SERT)


Emergency Rostering

SERT Inventory

In the event of a large scale emergency in North Carolina, the NC Fire Service Emergency Response Plan is available to provide for the systematic mobilization, deployment, organization and management of fire based resources.

The primary source for determination of available resources will be the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) inventory Emergency Rostering database above. This periodic Emergency Rostering database is only available during a SERT activation. OSFM does offer a second method for the individual fire department to update their information 24/7 via the OSFM portal. This method is not be a primary source during a statewide activation. The OSFM portal SERT inventory does serves as a resource for Fire Marshals to view equipment in their county, at any time.

Things you will need to have when updating your SERT inventory:

  1. A copy of the NIMS Typing Guide for apparatus
  2. Equipment specifications – make, model, pump size, tank size, etc.

The Department Chief or the Department’s 24 SERT contact can sign in to the SERT Equipment Inventory. It is important that any changes in Department Chief, address, email or phone number are emailed to FireRescueGrants@ncdoi.gov as soon as possible.

Should you have any questions regarding the SERT Equipment updates please contact Mike Williams via email: mike.williams@ncdoi.gov