Mission Statement
Our mission statement is simple: To Keep All Kids Safe From Preventable Injuries.
About Us
Safe Kids NC (SKNC) falls under the umbrella of Safe Kids Worldwide, a global organization with over 400 coalitions in the US. North Carolina, under the leadership of the NC Department of Insurance-Office of State Fire Marshal (State office), houses the most coalitions under one State with 44 coalitions, covering 59 counties. Each of the SKNC county coalitions follow the lead of the State office, working in specific areas of their community to reduce injury risks using educational efforts, incentives, advocacy, enforcement and awareness.
Safe Kids NC (SKNC) county coalitions are made up of many different people from many different organizations. They come from hospitals, law enforcement, community business's, fire departments, etc. and are also parents/caregivers. SKNC county coalitions are community based and anyone can participate in a coalition as long as you have the desire to help protect kids from unintentional dangers or risk. Contact your local SKNC county coalition for more information on becoming a member of SKNC.
Safe Kids NC (SKNC) Regions and Contacts
SKNC county coalitions are split into 4 regions. The solid colors are single county SKNC county coalitions and the striped are multi county coalitions. Contact your SKNC county coalition or regional Injury Prevention Specialist below, for more information.

Safe Kids NC Infographic
The Safe Kids NC (SKNC) Steering Committee is composed of 14 advisory members. They provide guidance and support to SKNC.
Name - Title | |
Peg O’Connell - Chair | pegoconnell1955@gmail.com |
Allan Buchanan - Safe Kids NC Director | allan.buchanan@ncdoi.gov |
Kelly Ransdell - Treasurer | kransdell@nfpa.org |
Jennifer Smith, MSW - Secretary | jesmith4892@gmail.com |
Kella Hatcher | kella.hatcher@dhhs.nc.gov |
Peter Anderson Kolbe | peter.kolbe@genworth.com |
Sue Anne Pilgreen MSN, RN, CPN | sfipps@vidanthealth.com |
Scott Proescholdbell | scott.proescholdbell@dhhs.nc.gov |
Janice Williams | janice.williams@atriumhealth.org |
Kerry Young | kerry.young@dhhs.nc.gov |
Glorina Stallworth | glorina.stallworth@dhhs.nc.gov |