HILB - Exam Schedule

Your Home Inspector application must be approved before an exam can be scheduled. The deadline for registering for an exam is Friday of the week prior to the exam. If you failed the HILB Exam, you must wait 90-days to retake the exam again.

Exam Accommodations

Prior to registering for an exam date, applicants with disabilities or those who would otherwise have difficulty taking the examination should request for alternative arrangements by contacting Rich Hall at rich.hall@ncdoi.gov.

Requirements for exam accommodation requests

You are required to submit documentation from the medical authority or learning institution that rendered a diagnosis. Verification must be sent to Rich Hall on the letterhead stationery of the authority or specialist and include the following:

  • Description of the disability and limitations related to testing
  • Recommended accommodation/modification
  • Name, title and telephone number of the medical authority or specialist
  • Original signature of the medical authority or specialist

Make sure you are approved for the accommodation prior to registering for the exam.

Exam Information

IMPORTANT: If you are sick, have any flu- or covid-like symptoms, persistent coughs or anything else that might be transmittable, please do not come to the exam. You can reschedule at no additional cost. Email rich.hall@ncdoi.gov or katherine.vincent@ncdoi.gov.

The Home Inspector licensing examination consists of 200 multiple choice items. The examination is closed book and must be completed within four hours. You need not bring any material with you to the exam. You will be notified of your results within two business days.

Before you may register for an exam date, Sarah Barcenas, License Administrator, sarah.barcenas@ncdoi.gov, must determine your eligibility and you must pay the $80 exam fee.

Once the exam fee is paid, applicants are presented exam date options through their online account.

Examinees will receive confirmation of their scheduled exam date via email from Kathy Vincent, Certification Examination Specialist, katherine.vincent@ncdoi.gov.

The exam room capacity for testing is 50 occupants. Do not come to test unless you have a confirmed registration.

Exams are administered at the NCSU McKimmon Center, 1101 Gorman St., Raleigh, NC.

Free visitor parking is located adjacent to the McKimmon Center. 

Please come to the HILB sign-in area in the McKimmon Center. 

Morning Exams start promptly at 8:00 AM. If an additional testing session is required, the second session will begin at 1:00 PM.

Arrive early for registration and security clearance. Bring one form of government issued photo ID.

Home Inspector Study Guide

2025 HILB Exam Dates

Exam Dates & Time
February 13, 2025; 8:00AM
March 20, 2025; 8:00AM
April 24, 2025; 8:00AM
May 15, 2025; 8:00AM
June 12, 2025; 8:00AM
July 17, 2025; 8:00AM
August 21, 2025; 8:00AM
September 11, 2025; 8:00AM
October 16, 2025; 8:00AM
November 20, 2025; 8:00AM
December 18, 2025; 8:00AM
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