Special Schools
The Most Advanced Firefighter/Survival School You Will Ever Attend!
North Carolina’s Breathing Equipment School will provide you with:
- The most current techniques of SCBA’s use at a state-of-the-art facility
- Demanding physical assessment.
- Air consumption/stress course.
- Self-survival techniques.
- Swede Survival Flashover Simulator.
NOTE: This is not a SCBA Maintenance Course.
Breathing Equipment School Brochure
Hotel Accommodations:
Hampton Inn
1859 Remount Rd.
Gastonia, NC 28054
(704) 866-9090
Mention 'Gaston Fire Training' when making reservations.
NC Extrication School is hosted by OSFM, NCAREMS, and Sandhills Community College. This program provides advanced hands-on practicals training focused on best practices, up-to-date techniques, and latest equipment available to prepare first responders for a wide-range of extrication scenarios.
Sandhills Community College, Pinehurst, NC
October 24-26, 2025
*Registration opens on August 7, 2025
$200 for students w/ NC agency affiliation, or $385 for out-of-state students
The North Carolina Leadership Academy will assist you in meeting the prerequisites required to attend the National Fire Academy’s Managing Officer Program. This five-day course presents the fire and emergency medical services (EMS) supervisor with the basic leadership skills and tools needed to perform in the fire and EMS environment, to transition to supervisory and leadership roles, and establish a foundation and framework for success in leadership roles by exploring creative, analytical, political and critical thinking perspectives
2022 dates to be announced.
The North Carolina Tactics Academy will meet the needs of Company Officers (COs) and will cover the following NFA courses:
- Preparation for Initial Company Operations (PICO)
- Decision-Making for Initial Company Operations (DMICO)
- Strategies and Tactics for Initial Company Operations (STICO)
Attendance for the full week will receive priority registration.
July 11 – 15, 2022
PICO – 7/11 & 7/12
DMICO – 7/12 & 7/13
STICO – 7/14 & 7/15
Registration Opening Soon. Please check back.
The North Carolina Technical Rope School (TRS), held in cooperation with NC Association of Rescue and EMS and Fayetteville Technical Community College is geared towards those who are certified and well-versed in NC TR. The classes offered will use equipment and techniques to streamline your abilities. We look forward to a positive and fun learning environment for all. Participants will need to be highly proficient in knots, anchors, mechanical advantages, and belays.
- Please see the below Information & TRS Student Packet for registration fee & link, required forms, essential equipment, exact schedule, and other details.
- Attendance at this school is pre-paid and pre-registered only.
Artificial High Directional | 3 Days | Section ID Number: TBD
Students will receive practical and hands-on instruction in the following areas:
- TerrAdaptor
- Vortex
- Compression vs Tension
- Resultant Forces
Single Rescuer Movements | 3 Days | Section ID Number: TBD
Students will receive hands-on instruction in the following areas:
- Alternative Belays
- Alternative Descent Control Devices
- Efficient Ascending Techniques
- Mid Air Change Overs
- Climbing past obstructions
- Pick Offs
May 2-4, 2025
Artificial High Directional
Single Rescuer Movements
Registration Information
Coming Soon!
Special Programs

The North Carolina High School Firefighter Challenge offers a unique opportunity for high school students from across our state to come together for a week-long fire and rescue training program in the mountains of NC.
The program, held each summer in Weaverville, NC, is open to high school students currently enrolled in a High School Fire Tech Program or Junior Firefighter Program. Students participate in a physically and mentally intensive week of hands-on training, competition, and networking opportunities with some of the leading fire instructors from across our state. Topics covered include rescue, extrication, rappelling, search, fire behavior, ventilation, and forcible entry, among others. Lodging, meals, and chaperones are provided.
This program is made possible through partnerships with Rhinehart Fire Services, Rescue South, NC Association of Fire Chiefs, Buncombe County Firefighter's Association, VFIS, Buncombe County Emergency Services, AB Tech, Mars Hill University, Axe and Awl Leatherworks, and the NC Office of State Fire Marshal.
Monday, June 16, 2025 - Friday, June 20, 2025
Cost: $175 per participant
Registration Deadline: April 25, 2025 by 5pm
Direct Delivery Courses
04B0093 - Instructor Indoctrination Course
This class is designed to teach new instructors the North Carolina Fire/Rescue Certification delivery system and instructor qualification process. Indoctrination class is a requirement before a new instructor can sign up for a Qualification School or a Field Tested Qualification. This class will meet the following objectives:
- Learn the NC Statutes and regulatory agencies and systems
- Learn the NC FRC policy and procedures
- Understanding process, development, and intent of the NC Lesson Plan and Practical Skills
- Learn what to do and not do through case studies
- Qualify any Instructor II for Proctor
This class is NOT required for instructors who already possess an active qualification in any subject area.
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0002 - Advanced Rigging Rope Rescue Intro to Artificial High Directional Anchors
This course is designed to assist departments with advanced use of a variety of tripods, bipods and mono pods. This class can be modified to a departments specifics needs.
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0005 -Ashes to Awareness for the Fire Service
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0006 - Building Construction for Fire Command Officer
Enhanced building construction class, with an in-depth review of construction types, and firefighting and commanding officer concerns.
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0034 - Commercial Fire Ops for Combination and Vol. Departments
This course provides a hands-on approach to tactical considerations dealing with commercial buildings. The course is designed to accomplish the listed objectives below with the primary consideration of limited manpower.
- Engine Company Operations
- Ladder Company Operations
- Forcible Entry
- Large area search
- Command functions
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0061- Fire Fatality Investigation (Eight (8) hours/ Tested)
This 8-hour tested course provides participants the opportunity for science-based investigative fire death training utilizing class instruction, discussion and case studies. Instruction will be on the proper systematic processes for crime scene management from the initial scene approach through data collection, documentation, and evidence collection.
Suggested Audience
Law enforcement and fire service personnel assigned to investigative tasks and duties such as crime scene investigators, fire investigators, detectives, and medical examiners.
- Fire science and death investigation
- Role of the medical examiner
- Thermal trauma characteristics
- Fire patterns
- Cause and Manner of death
- Postmortem tests and documentation
- Fire and explosions injury patterns
- Medical evidence of burns and inhalation injuries
- Legal aspects of fire fatality investigations
Upon Successful Completion: Attendees will have been provided the skills and knowledge to:
- Describe the investigative considerations necessary for a fire/ explosion that caused the injury. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Describe the investigative considerations necessary at a fatal fire/ explosion scene. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Identify and describe the fundamental issues of death investigation. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Describe the death-related pathological and toxicological examination of fire/ explosion victims. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Identify and describe postmortem documentation and tests. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Describe and understand how the cause and manner of death are determined. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Secure a body as evidence. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Evaluate an injured victim for details about the fire scene. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
- Evaluate a body for details about the fire scene. (NFPA 1033:4.4.1)
Conduct a competent fire death scene investigation based upon ASTM International E-1188 Standard Practice for Collection and Preservation of Information and Physical Items by a Technical Investigator.
If the student does not pass the written exam, the student will gain TRD0059- Fire Fatality Investigation (Eight (8) hours/Non-Tested) course on their training transcript.
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0013 - Highlines Alternative for Rope Rescue
This course covers highline use in traditional and nontraditional rope rescue settings.
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0033 - Introduction to Advanced Rope Rescue
This course is designed to introduce equipment and skills that are not typically covered in Technicial Rescue certification level programs
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0063 - Introduction to Rope Access for Advanced Rope Rescue Technicians
This course is the first in a two part series designed to give Rescue Technicians a basic understanding of rope access, equipment, guidelines, techniques, and systems. Candidate must be certified in Technical Rescuer Ropes NFPA 1006 2008 ed. or Technical Rescue NFPA 1006 2013 ed. (Chapters 5 & 6.)
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0015 - Lightweight Building Construction
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0057 - Remote Tree Rescue
This class is designed to cover techniques and tools that are used to make access to subjects in trees, where aerial devices and ladders are not an option.
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0064 - Rope Access for Advanced Rope Rescue Technicians
This course is the second in a two part series designed to give the Technical Rescuer a good understanding od operating in the Rope Access environment. By the end of this series the student will have been exposed to working vertically and horizontally in this environment. Candidate must be certified in Technical Rescuer Ropes NFPA 1006 2008 ed or Technical Rescuer NFPA 1006 and completed Intro to Rope Access for Advanced Rope Rescue Technicians.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0058 -Special Topics - Instructor Development
This Direct Delivery Course can be requested by the public.
OSFM 24 - Fire and Rescue Training Registration
TRD0070 - Volunteer Fire Officer ISO580C Training Credit
It was approved in the March, 2020 NC Fire and Rescue Certification Board meeting that any person who successfully completes the Fire Officer level 1 certification course should receive NC Office of State Fire Marshal TRD0070 - Volunteer Fire Officer ISO 580C training credit. Meeting the prerequisites for Fire Officer Level 1 Certification are not required. Only successful completion of a FIP 3718 - Fire Officer Level 1 course will grant this credit.
This credit gives Fire Departments the availability to train their volunteer fire officers to a NFPA 1021 based program, while gaining credit toward ISO credit. A person may continue to pursue the NC Fire Officer Level 1 Certification if they successfully complete the prerequisites, which can be found here: Fire Officer Certification Page.
To view the Policies & Procedures for OSFM Certification Direct Delivery Courses, visit the
Fire and Rescue Certification Board webpage.