North Carolina Firefighter Training Certificate (580G) Program
The NC Fire & Rescue Commission and the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) have developed a training program that will allow fire departments to train firefighters to a NFPA 1001 based standard while gaining credit towards ISO, and provide an optional path to Firefighter Certification.
*Please note: This program replaces the Volunteer Firefighter Basic Skills Training Program, and now provides a path to IFSAC accredited Firefighter Certification for candidates who choose to pursue that certification. For more information, see Road Map From 580G Training Certificate to IFSAC Firefighter I/II Certification.
Program Outline
The ISO 580G Training Certificate requires a minimum of 247 hours of training:
- 207 hours delivered at the discretion of the Fire Department/AHJ in the training areas outlined below.
- 40 hours allotted for FIP 3049 - Fireground Ops 9

This program was developed to serve as a platform for internationally recognized minimum basic skills. This program can be designed and scheduled by the Authority Having Jurisdiction to meet the ISO Recruit Training requirements. Upon completion of this program, individuals are also provided with a pathway towards earning an accredited Firefighter Certification. Firefighters interested in pursuing certification should complete the following steps:
- Once all training has been completed, the firefighter will utilize their OSFM24 profile to access the “Fire and Rescue Training Registration” link and register for the “ISO 580G Firefighter Certificate Verification”.
- Students will be automatically notified by OSFM24 of their registration status.
- If the registration is denied, the firefighter does not meet requirements. If they believe this message has been received in error, they should contact OSFM to research further.
- If the registration is approved, the firefighter meets the requirements and will receive an automatic approved email from OSFM24. They will receive additional information from OSFM Staff within 3-5 business days of their submitted registration.
- Once approved registrations are received by OSFM, staff will contact the firefighter to request their department affiliation, as well as the Chief’s name and contact information.
- OSFM staff will use the provided information to make contact with the Fire Department Chief for completion of the 580G Training Verification Form.
- Once the completed form is returned by the Department Chief, OSFM staff will review and process the verification before awarding the Firefighter ISO 580G Certificate. Once issued, recipients will be able to print a training certificate using their OSFM24 profile and selecting the link for “Print Training Certificate”.
Individuals wishing to pursue the pathway to accredited certification will then be eligible to register for any available “C School Session” to complete written testing and practical skills. In 2024, “C School” will be held in conjunction with Firefighter Only Q Schools. Date and location information is available on OSFM24 under the “Fire Rescue Training Registration” link.
Firefighters have two years from the date of issue of the ISO 580G Firefighter Certificate to pursue and complete the optional pathway to certification.
Individuals who have completed the Firefighter 580G Certificate have the option to use their completed training towards the achievement of their IFSAC Firefighter I/II certification. Once the 580G Training Certificate has been issued, the individual will utilize OSFM24 to register for a regionally offered “C-School” testing session.
The C-School testing session will include both the knowledge and skill components required for IFSAC Certification.
- 100 Question Written Exam - Written Exam questions will be pulled from material found in chapters/topics covered by the 580G Certificate program.
- Practical Skills Evaluation - Skills selected for testing will be chosen from the 31 skills included in the 580G Task Book.
Upon successful completion of written and practical skills testing at C-School, individuals will receive credit on their certification transcripts for FIP 3040, FIP 3041, FIP 3042, FIP 3043, FIP 3044, FIP 3045, FIP 3047, and FIP 3048. They will then be required to successfully complete the remaining certification requirements listed in the table below:

Course Delivery: Delivery of training may be done as part of an “in-house” delivery program managed by the department. Fire Chiefs may also consider partnering with their local community college and running training sessions utilizing FIP-4728 Special Topics: Fire and Rescue or a locally assigned course code. Regardless of the delivery method, it shall be the responsibility of the Fire Chief to ensure that documentation is maintained for each training session that a member completes.
Course Instruction: Training sessions can be taught by a Qualified FF Instructor. Firefighter I/II Instructor resources; including lesson plans and PowerPoints may be utilized to assist with program delivery. Written testing is not required at the completion of the training sessions. However, 100% skills must be tested, and successfully passed by the candidates. An optional “580G Task Book” may be utilized to track and document member completion of required skills.
Documentation of Member Completion: Once a member of the department has completed all hours/topics/skills outlined in the 580G Program Outline, the Fire Department Chief should direct them to utilize their OSFM24 profile to submit a registration for “ISO 580G FF - ISO 580G Firefighter Certificate Verification”. Once approved by the system, the department member will be contacted by OSFM Staff to request contact information for the Department Chief.
OSFM Staff will contact the Chief directly to verify completion of the training topics and skills. Once documentation is returned to OSFM Staff, the department member will be awarded the ISO 580G Firefighter Certificate. Completion will be reflected on the member’s training transcript.
Optional Pathway to IFSAC Firefighter Certification: Department members have two years from the date of issue of the ISO 580G Firefighter Certificate to pursue and complete the optional pathway to certification. Interested individuals should be directed to register for a “C-School” test session and complete other required Firefighter courses. See “Road Map From 580G Training Certificate to IFSAC Firefighter I/II Certification” for additional information on that process.
Frequently Asked Questions
To complete the North Carolina Firefighter Training Certificate (580G) Program, 247 hours are required - 207 hours delivered by the Fire Department/AHJ, plus 40 hours for FIP 3049 Fireground Ops 9.
The 207 hours of FD/AHJ delivered instruction may be taught by a qualified Instructor, but this is not required.
Once the 247 hours of instruction are completed by the AHJ, candidates seeking IFSAC accredited Firefighter Certification will have 2 years to attend Certification School (C School). C Schools will be held on the same dates as Q Schools. (April, September, November)