North Carolina Firefighter Cancer Benefit Program

A cancer diagnosis can happen at any time and leave you emotionally, physically and financially overwhelmed. While traditional health insurance is valuable coverage, it may not cover all of the expenses related to your treatment and recovery.
The State of North Carolina recognized the need to support its 53,000 firefighters and their families by creating a pilot program to provide certain cancer benefits for eligible employed and volunteer firefighters.
In response to this requirement, The North Carolina Firefighter Cancer Benefit Program was created to help bridge the financial gaps that may follow a cancer diagnosis, so you can focus on recovery. This program has been funded by the North Carolina Legislature through the 2021-2023 and 2023-2025 Budget Biennium. It is available to active rostered firefighters, employed and volunteer, who meet certain conditions at no cost to either firefighters or the Fire Departments.
Your group coverage, administered by the Office of State Fire Marshal, Risk Management Division includes:
Coverage Benefits
- A lump sum benefit of $25,000 that is paid when you are diagnosed with a covered cancer (up to two cancer diagnoses).
- Reimbursement of up to $12,000 for any out-of-pocket medical expenses incurred, including deductibles, copayments or coinsurance costs, for each diagnosis of cancer.
- When you’re unable to work as a firefighter for a long period of time due to a cancer diagnosis, Long-term Disability insurance pays a portion of your income every month.
- For an employed firefighter, 75% of your income up to $5,000 is the monthly benefit.
- For a volunteer firefighter, a flat amount of $1,500 is the monthly benefit.
These benefits can be used in any way you choose, enabling you to focus more on recovery. They can help pay for things like:
- Coinsurance or deductibles for health insurance
- Everyday living expenses such as groceries, mortgage/rent and other bills
- Child care or caregiver expenses
- Rehabilitation
File a Claim
- To file a claim click on this link below. You will be directed to a page to submit basic information directly to the administrator.
- Once your eligibility is verified you will be sent the full claims form to submit directly to the administrator. This process is in place to protect your privacy under HIPPA and various privacy laws. If there is any question about eligibility you will be contacted.
- Once received, the administrator will open your claims file and process for payment.