North Carolina Weekend – Emmitsburg, Maryland

2-day On-Campus Program at the National Fire Academy (State Weekend)

November 22 - 24, 2024

The 2-Day on-Campus Program (formerly State Weekend Program) is targeted for fire service personnel with a minimum of 3 years’ experience. Most 2-day courses are designed for mid-level officers rather than chief officers or firefighters.

2024 NFA Weekend Schedule

November 22, 2024- Travel Day

4:00 - 6:00 PM - Registration
5:00 PM - Dinner (campus cafeteria)
6:15 PM - Opening Session (Attendance is Mandatory)
7:00 PM - Classes begin
9:00 PM - Classes end for the day

November 23, 2024

8:00 AM - Classes resume
5:00 PM - Classes end for the day

November 24, 2024

8:00 AM - Classes resume
2:00 PM - Classes end

Students: Please read and follow the instructions prior to registering.

To apply for a course, you need a FEMA Student Identification Number (SID). This number will be used in place of a Social Security Number on General Admissions Application forms. This includes applications for the 2-day on-campus program (the State Weekend Program).  Please click on the link below to obtain your SID. The process takes about 10 minutes.

Register for a SID   

Eligibility to receive a certificate of completion requires class attendance Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Failure to do so will result in your entire department being banned from State Weekend programs for a period of 3 years.  If you have an emergency and must leave the campus, please contact Student Services in Building “C” and ask them to inform Brian Wade.

The registration fee is $200.00.  This fee covers meals in the Campus Cafeteria - Friday dinner through Sunday lunch (at the campus cafeteria), socials, and a recreational pass required by the National Fire Academy.  Lodging and course costs are absorbed by the Academy.  Transportation expenses and meals in route and return are the responsibility of the student.

Registration fee must be paid online.

Application Deadline:
Online registration and payment is required no later than September 30, 2024. Before an application is eligible for review the online payment and registration must be completed.

Individual applicants will be notified by email of their acceptance or denial into the State Weekend Program.  A link to complete the new USFA online class application will be emailed to the applicant on or before October 13th.   Please provide a valid email address on your online registration.  This must be an individual email and not one that is used for multiple people.  It must be specific to the applicant.

Failure to complete the FEMA online class application by October 31st will result in your application being denied. You will be denied access to campus and class.

Refunds will not be issued after October 20, 2024.

FEMA Covid Policy:

The NETC will no longer require vaccination or other proof of vaccination for contractors, visitors, students, and instructors.

Note: The National Fire Academy now requires testing for all classes.

Course Selection: 
You will be asked for first, second, and third class choices.   Every effort will be made to place you in your first choice however it is not always possible.  Please make sure you really wish to take the second and third choices.  If a second or third choice is not indicated on your application, you will be placed in a class with the lowest registration numbers.

Please ensure that you meet the selection criteria to ensure that you qualify for the classes you select.


Tab/Accordion Items

This class is intended to provide a practical application of knowledge and skills for company officers or those aspiring for that next level. This class builds on the following topics discussed in the online self-study course QO891, "Foundations of Leadership and Operations for the Company Officer:"

Defining the company officer, Preplanning, Managing incidents, Operational communications and safety.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Selection criteria

The target audience consists of newly appointed company officers, firefighters who perform company officer responsibilities, firefighters pursuing company officer roles in the future, or current company officers who want to review their understanding of leadership and operations relevant to their roles. 

Prerequisites: ICS-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online. Chief's signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.

Pre-Course Materials & Course Syllabus

QO891, Foundations of Leadership and Operations for the Company Officer, available through NFA Online. 

This two-day course will provide students with an understanding of the Incident Command System (ICS) and resource management for the fire service and their application in both emergency and nonemergency situations. This course addresses the need for an ICS, an overview of the structure and flexibility of ICS, an understanding of the command skills necessary to function effectively in an ICS structure, and the need to effectively manage your resources.

Selection Criteria

All first responders with responsibilities to use, deploy, implement and/or function within ICS and resource management.

Prerequisites:  ICS-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online. Chief's signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.

There is a pre-course assignment that should take about one hour to complete.

This two-day course teaches students how to use standardized forms to achieve uniformity in their incident and activity reporting. This training program is designed specifically to support local fire service organizations, and it will assist them in providing data both to their management and to decision-makers, as well as to their state uniform fire reporting system. At a local level, National Fire Incident Reporting System data can be used to:

  • Describe a community's fire problem.
  • Support budget requests.
  • Improve decision-making for allocation of resources
  • Assist in planning for future fire protection.
  • Help identify opportunities for scheduling nonemergency activities.
  • Evaluate code enforcement programs.
  • Identify target audiences for public fire education programs.
  • Support requests from grant making organizations and alternative funding sources to fund department programs and priorities.

Selection Criteria

New, current and potential users of a fire department or state uniform reporting system. Members of local or state fire service organizations responsible for documenting incidents and/or incident data collection.

Prerequisites: None

Student pre-course materials and course syllabus

The purpose of this 2-day course is to provides students with the ability to recognize ethical dilemmas in the context of their environments, applying decision model to resolve these dilemmas, render ethical decisions, and defend under scrutiny the resulting decisions that were made in an effort to resolve their dilemmas.

Selection Criteria

  • The Primary target is fire and emergency service personnel in positions of authority (executive level officers) who have an opportunity to exercise leadership. Note: Participants must be minimally assigned to a supervisory-level position (for example, a Company Officer).

Prerequisites:  (ICS)-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online. 

Pre-Course Materials & Course Syllabus

This is two-day course is designed to assist first- and second-level supervisors and Company Officers (COs) in developing knowledge and skills in contemporary approaches to organizational problem-solving.

  • Use of creative approaches to identify trends within their organizations.
  • Applying problem-solving methodologies.
  • The importance and application of continuous improvement within organizations.
  • How to quantify problems and solutions.
  • Factors in organizational and individual resistance to change.
  • Strategies for implementing change.
  • The course incorporates facilitated, student-centered methodologies, including lecture, small and large group activities, and individual assessments.

Selection Criteria

  • First- and second-level supervisors and COs who are upwardly mobile within their organizations and whose department head wishes to prepare them for increased managerial responsibility.
  • Administrative officers who are responsible for significant staff functions within the organization and who report directly to top management. Emergency service workers assigned to positions with decision-making responsibilities.

Prerequisites:  ICS-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online

Pre-Course Materials & Course Syllabus

This 2-day course is designed to provide Company Officers (COs) with a better understanding of multiagency needs and a Unified Command structure. The attendees will gain an understanding of the requirements of a Unified Command organization and provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate effectively in complex incidents.

Selection criteria

The primary audience for the course is fire department COs, first responders, chief officers and others who would function in a Command or General Staff position during a multiagency operation.

Further specification for the audience includes officers who have command responsibilities, are upwardly mobile and act in the position of a command officer, would function in a Command or General Staff position during a Unified Command operation, and are initially responsible for setting up the Incident Command organization.

Prerequisites: ICS-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online. Chief's signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.

Pre-Course Materials & Course Syllabus


This 2-day course provides the supervisor with the conceptual foundation and framework for success in leadership roles by exploring creative, analytical, political and critical thinking perspectives. The course addresses skills needed for assessing situations from multiple perspectives, making critical decisions, fostering creativity and innovation, and using persuasion.

Selection Criteria

The primary target audience for this course are those individuals who are at the first line level of supervision. For purposes of student selection first line level is considered to be those at the Company Officer or Unit (fire prevention, fire education, communications, EMS, etc.) Supervisor level. More specifically primary selection criteria are as follows:

  • First line supervisors in fire and emergency medical services organizations.
  • Fire and emergency medical services personnel due for promotion/appointment to a first line supervisory position within 18 months.
  • Fire and emergency medical services personnel who are regularly assigned acting supervisory positions.
  • Fire and emergency medical services personnel currently enrolled in the NFA Managing Officer will be provided priority selection.

The secondary target audiences are fire and EMS personnel at the first line management level (Chief Officer or above). Students at this level may be given consideration on a space available basis.

Prerequisites: ICS-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online. Chief's signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.

Pre-Course Materials & Course Syllabus

This two-day course examines the Safety Officer's role at emergency responses. A specific focus on operations within an Incident Command System (ICS) as a Safety Officer is a main theme. Response to all -hazards types of situations will be emphasized.

Selection criteria

Individuals who have a Safety Officer responsibility at emergency operation situations.

Individuals attending this course should have a working knowledge of ICS as taught by the National Fire Academy, building construction principles, hazardous materials management, applicable National Fire Protection Association guidelines, and federal regulations.

Prerequisites: ICS-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online. Chief's signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.

Student pre-course materials and course syllabus

This course was developed to aid first responders in understanding and recognizing how fire can be used as a weapon against people and/or property. This course will also help first responders and investigators understand why a person would choose to use fire as a weapon, as well as creating awareness of the types of information fire investigators may need from fire and emergency services personnel.

Selection criteria

Fire and emergency services personnel who respond to fires or might conduct preliminary investigations into the origin and cause of fires.

Prerequisites: None but W0770 Fire Investigation: First Responder is recommended. 

Pre-Course Materials & Course Syllabus


This two-day course presents a basic overview of a fire investigation. Students will review the basics of fire chemistry and develop an enhanced understanding with respect to fire suppression and fire investigation. The course will stress the importance of fire scene awareness, evidence identification, preservation, and the basics of a fire investigation. Students will develop an appreciation of the convergence of suppression, investigation, science, and law.

Selection criteria

Fire and emergency services personnel who respond to fires or might conduct preliminary investigations into the origin and cause of fires.

Prerequisites: None

Pre-Course Materials & Course Syllabus

Registration Information

Online Registration/Payment  

Online NFA Application (Link will be provided upon approval from the state in your email class confirmation.)

Contact Kim Williams via email at if you have any questions.