North Carolina NFA Course Offerings

The purpose of this correspondence is to inform all Delivery Agencies that the NC Office of State Fire Marshal is planning for future NFA sponsored classes for 2025 and beyond. NC OSFM has already received numerous requests in recent months from multiple agencies interested in hosting NFA classes that are delivered in your area/region. It is our hope that we can work with NFA to find funding for as many of these classes as possible.  

Attached, is a list of NFA Sponsored two day (2) Off Campus Classes as well as six day (6) Off Campus classes currently offered by the National Fire Academy. Please review the offerings provided and respond to this request if your agency is interested in hosting one of the courses or series of courses offered within the list provided for FY 25 or future course calls.

The Selection process is a multi-teered process beginning with the evaluation process by the NCOSFM. It is important to understand, while every request will be taken into consideration, not all requests will meet the conditions listed below to be a Host Agency.  

1)    NCOSFM will evaluate all request to be a Host Agency on the following information:

•    The opportunity to serve as many regions and firefighters as possible across the State of NC. 
•    The type of courses selected and ability to meet minimum number of required students. 
•    The funding available to select instructors for the courses requested.

2)    Once NC OSFM reviews all request and can select Host Agencies, a request for a Course Coordination Plan will be forwarded to the Host Agency for completion. The Course Coordination Plan is required by NFA and designed to provide logistical information to aid NFA Instructors interested in teaching the requested course work.

3)    NFA will forward Course Coordination Plans to available, qualified Instructors for review.  Instructors will have the opportunity to bid on selected courses. NFA will review all bids and determine if a bid meets all the criteria to Award it to the Host Agency.

Additionally, the National Fire Academy typically opens additional Course Call selection periods throughout the year allowing for more than one opportunity to host a class.

Please review the information contained within this request and respond to by June 30th,  2024 if your agency is interested in hosting one of these NFA training opportunities.

NFA Online Application Process for State-Sponsored Classes

The National Fire Academy has transitioned to an online admissions application process and the online application can be found at

If you have an issue or a question regarding the online admissions application, please contact:

NETC Admissions Department
(301) 447-1035

*The online application will open the day before the class and be open fourteen days after the class concludes.  Failure to turn in an application will result in not receiving credit for the course.

Download Registration Instructions

Fiscal Year 2025 National Fire Academy-Sponsored 2-Day On & Off Campus Course List

Tab/Accordion Items

  • F/W0166 - EMS Functions in ICS (Prerequisite and/or pre-course assignment) (Max of 24 students)
  • F/W0146 - Supervising Emergency Medical Services (Max of 24 students)

  • F/W0770 - Fire Investigation: First Responders

  • W0443 - Initial Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts (Max of 25 students)
  • F/W0549 - Emergency Response to Terrorism: Strategic Considerations (Prerequisite and/or pre-course assignment) 

  • W0256 - Safety for Hazardous Materials Incidents (Max of 25 students)

  • F/W0520 - Executive Series: Exercising Leadership Within Communities (Textbook required)
  • F/W0521 - Executive Series: Exercising Leadership to Facilitate Adaptive Change (Textbook required)
  • F/W0522 - Executive Series: Exercising Leadership Through Difficult Conversations (Textbook required)
  • F/W0523 - Executive Series: Exercising Leadership Ethically (Textbook required)
  • F/W0602 - Shaping the Future
  • F/W0646 - Leadership in Supervision: Creating Environments for Professional Growth
  • F/W0647 - Leadership in Supervision: Perspectives in Thinking
  • F/W0648 - Leadership in Supervision: Frameworks to Success
  • F/W0760 - New Fire Chief: Challenging Issues
  • F/W0761 - New Fire Chief: Administrative Issues
  • F/W0762 - New Fire Chief: Contemporary Issues

  • F/W0633 - Youth Firesetting Intervention Specialist (Prerequisite and/or pre-course assignment) (Max of 20 students)
  • F/W0621 - Youth Firesetting Interviewing and Educational Intervention Strategies (Prerequisite and/or pre-course assignment)  (Max of 20 students)
  • F/W0634 - Youth Firesetting Program Manager (Prerequisite and/or pre-course assignment)  (Max of 20 students)
  • F/W0635 - Best Practices in Community Risk Reduction (Max of 24 students)
  • F/W0636 - Building Organizational Support for Community Risk Reduction (Prerequisite and/or pre-course assignment) (Max of 24 students)

  • F/W0142 - Residential Sprinkler Plan Review (Max of 20 students)

  • F/W0296 - Command and Control for Company-Level Operations
  • F/W0321 - Incident Command for Highrise Operations
  • F/W0322 - Incident Command System for Structural Collapse Incidents
  • F/W0376 - Incident Command System for Resource Management for the Fire Service
  • F/W0455 - Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company Operations
  • F/W0457 - Decision-Making for Initial Company Operations
  • F/W0458 - Preparation for Initial Company Operations
  • F/W0609 - Introduction to Unified Command for All-Hazard Incidents
  • F/W0610 - Wildland Urban Interface Firefighting for the Structural Company Officer
  • F/W0612 - Command and Control of Wildland Urban Interface Fire Operations for the Structural Chief Officer

  • F/W0722 - Health and Safety Program Manager (Max of 24 students)
  • F/W0729 - Incident Safety Officer (Max of 24 students)

  • F/W0497 - Introduction to NFIRS 5.0

*Please notify David Morris ( if your agency is interested in hosting one of these NFA training opportunities.


Fiscal Year 2025 National Fire Academy-Sponsored 6-Day Off-Campus Course List

Tab/Accordion Items

  • N0158 - Emergency Medical Services: Quality Management
    24 students maximum. There is a pre-course assignment for the course.

  • N0335 - Administration of Public Assistance for Community Recovery
    Course may require after-hours student work to complete required course activities. Multiple students from a given jurisdiction of surrounding areas is strongly encouraged.
  • N0645 - Leadership in Supervision
    24 students maximum
  • N0763 - New Executive Chief Officer
    24 students maximum. Students have 2 major pre-course graded assignments that are due upon start of class. Students need approximately 4 weeks' notice prior to class of assignments. This will preclude any last-minute student additions.

  • N0200 - Leadership Strategies for Community Risk Reduction
    24 students maximum. There is a pre-course assignment that is a graded activity for the course.
  • N0629 - Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention
    20 students maximum. Students engage in the fundamentals of youth firesetting intervention specialist, advanced interviewing skills, educational intervention and program manager development. Students participate in live interviews (through virtual platform) with firesetting youth confined to a residential tertiary care treatment program. There is an extensive, graded pre-course assignment that prepares students for engaging in the subject matter and working with firesetting youth.
  • N0670 - Community Risk Reduction: A Policy Approach
    24 students maximum. There is a graded pre-course assignment due the first morning of class.
  • N0671 - Managing Effective Fire Prevention Programs
    24 students maximum. There is a graded pre-course assignment due the first morning of class.

  • N0378 - Demonstrating Your Community Risk Reduction Program's Worth
    24 students maximum. There is a graded pre-course assignment due the first morning of class.
  • N0673 - Service Area Risk Reduction
    24 students maximum. There is a graded pre-course assignment due the first morning of class.

  • N0243 - Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incident Command
  • N0615 - Hazardous Materials Code Enforcement
  • N0655 - Advanced Science of Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Response

  • N0314 - Command and Control of Fire Department Operations at Target Hazards
    Course requests must be approved by the training specialist on an individual basis due to the simulation needs and the content needed to deliver the course effectively.
  • N0312 - Command and Control of Incident Operations
    Course requests must be approved by the training specialist on an individual basis due to the simulation needs and the content needed to deliver the course effectively.

  • N0492 - Emergency Response Deployment Planning Standards of Coverage (SOC)

*Please notify David Morris ( if your agency is interested in hosting one of these NFA training opportunities.