Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC)

Performance Standard

NFPA 1407, 2020 Standard for Training Fire Service Rapid Intervention Crews, Chapters 4-8.

NFPA 1407

Reference Material

Jones and Bartlett - Fire Service Rapid Intervention Crews, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9781284136166 | © 2015 | 256 pages


The candidate must be at least 18 years of age

The candidate must have a high school diploma or equivalent (i.e., GED)

TIMS (FIP 7000)

Fire Fighter certified

Delivery Options

There are two methods for candidates to obtain RIC certification. The first method is by taking FIP 6411 Rapid Intervention Series which covers both required courses of the NC Rapid Intervention Crew program in one course (Safety & Survival, and Rapid Invention Crew).

The second method is by completing two separate course; FIP 6412 Rapid Intervention Crew, and FIP 6413 Safety & Survival. 

Any instructor who successfully completes NC Breathing Equipment School from date July 1, 2016 - forward, is eligible to attempt the written exam for Rapid Intervention Crew Certification and Qualification at OSFM Qualification School. To find out more visit: Qualification School 

Rapid Intervention Series FIP 6411 48-58

Rapid Intervention Crew

Safety & Survival

FIP 6412

FIP 6413

24-29 + SS